Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 23, 2010, Exodus 6-8, Luke 23

Title:  Why would anyone listen to me? This is what Moses asked.

S: Ex 6:30 "But Moses said to the Lord, "Since I speak with faltering lips, why would Pharaoh listen to me?"

O: This morning the preacher spoke on the passage from  Ezekiel about the dry bones coming to life and he said that really it is not the preacher or the eloquence of the speaker but the dry boned audience that gets that holy spirit fire and hears with new vigor.  

A: I don't need to hear another preacher, or take another course, I need the passion that comes from walking with Jesus.

P: Lord, like Moses everyone including me hold back - these dry bones need life. .... so bring it on.

Title:  God will give us all his power --- that is what He did to Moses.

S: Ex 7:1 "Then the Lord said to Moses "See I have MADE YOU LIKE GOD to Pharaoh,  and your brother Aaron will be your prophet."

O: I do not remember God saying this to Moses -- I will make you like God - what very strong words........ like a God - with your own personal prophet to speak on your behalf........  it is like the preacher said this morning - it is not what we say - it is God - when people have a great spiritual experience often they cannot remember what the person speaking to them said -  it is God that will raise up their dry bones...... 

A: Forget about the faltering lips - even in another language - it will work out.

P: Help  me to get into that language course this week - eager to start.

Note - Moses was 80  old and Aaron 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh  - that is old - time to get on with it.

Title:  Moses miracles were duplicated by the magicians  -- why could they do this - by whose power?

S: Ex 7:22 "But the Egyptian magicians did the same things by their secret arts,"

O: I find it strange that the magicians can duplicate God's miracles through their secret arts - I think that God's miracles should have been superior to the works from the evil side.

A: Perhaps the evil side is often and thought of as weak when yes - God is more powerful however - only if we call on Him ---which is sometimes forgotten in the fretful pace of life.  

P: Help me to remember to ask you to overcome obstacles as the evil side is trying counter every miracle with some devious action.

Note: Why would the pharaoh agree to get rid of all the frog except the ones in the Nile?  Also - if the magicians could duplicate everything else - why could they not do anything about the gnats?

Title: The magicians admit it is God.

S: Ex 8:19 "The magicians said to the Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God."

O: Think I really like this verse - it is like the powerful enemy finally admits that - this is God - defeat is the only option for the enemies of God.

P: If only I could have a slight idea of God's true power I would be very different than I am .... please not just a glimpse but the whole meal deal.

Title: When there is confrontation - do it first thing in the morning.

S: Ex 8:20  Then the Lord said to Moses "Get up early in the morning and confront Pharaoh"

O: We are to get up early and worship God - we are also suppose to get up early and confront our enemies ---- That 5 a.m. sound of the call to worship heard in the middle east - what would this nation be if we did that as Christians - oh how difficult that is for me..... 

A: Each day is a new day - things can change.... a morning person ... that would be a great goal.

P: A morning person.

Title: Even God's enemies know in their heart that He is God and would not mind a little prayer for them.

S: Ex 8:28 Pharaoh said "I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the Lord....... Now pray for me.

O: Even the demons shake in their boots at his name.

P: Not even the most formidable enemy is of an consequence compared to God - even they need prayer. Help me never to forget that. Even kings, presidents, the great ones..... stand in the need of prayer.

Luke 23 - Jesus before Pilate, the Crucifixion, Jesus Death and Burial

S: Luke 23:8 "When Herod Jesus he was greatly pleased because for a long time he had been wanting to see him."

O: It amazed me when reading this that even Herod was eager to meet Jesus.  But it was a fancy, elite, miracle on demand Jesus that Herod was eager to meet - not a man who was quiet and said very little and appeared humble. Herod was not impressed as Jesus was not cool enough - did not have that status symbol image that Herod wanted and thought of himself as..... is that why we North American's reject this humble Jesus? Just like our elite intellectuals - "Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked Him." vs 11   ....  "That day Herod and Pilate became friends before this they had been enemies." vs. 12

A: What is the saying - the enemy of my enemy is my friend - who remembers the name of Herod now except who he was in relation to Christ the Great One.  All those who are on pedestals today are nothing compared to Christ.  Should always remember that.

P: Lord may I never be intimidated by those who seem to be important.

Title: Weak leaders render popular solutions rather than justice.

S: Luke 23:22-24 Pilate speaking "I have found in him no grounds for the death penalty, therefore I will have him punished and then release him." But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed.  So Pilate decided to grant their demand.

O: What is the saying - for evil to triumph all it takes is for good men to do nothing...... Here is a leader that allows his power to be usurped by a mob just because he does not have the guts to stand up to them.......   How often this happens still.

A: All was in God's plan however the sequence of events uses sinful men to usurp justice .  We should always defend justice.

P: ?

Title:  A black man from Cyrene (a city in Libya)was just a bystander and yet his life is changed forever..... as he carries the cross of Christ.

S:Luke 23:26.....They siezed Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.

O: Perhaps this man Simon had come all this way to worship. He was from Libya and was probably black.  If he had come to worship and he had blood on him he would be unclean and not be able to worship - come all that way and now not be able to worship.... think he is mentioned with his wife and sons as followers of Jesus later in the gospels --- what a chance meeting and what a change of life.

A: Some things that happen on the way to the main event are the real and crucial events in our life.  

P: Never get so distracted by personal agenda to miss out on the great events of life..... serving Jesus.

Title:  How often have we "stood at a distance" when we call ourselves Christians?

S: Luke 23: But all those that knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.

O: How often do we just stand at a distance rather than speak up or defend Jesus.  This action is repeated in Peter and others who hang back and are not out there speaking and acting for the Christ they have followed for so long.

A:Don't deny Christ by hanging back and being afraid to speak on His behalf.

P: Lord help me speak up for you.

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