Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 21, 2010, Exodus 1 & 2, Psalms 88, Luke 21

Title: The God fearing generation dies off.

(S) Exodus 1:6 "Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, but the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them."

(O) I think that war is not the best way to take over a country - breeding is.  A small number can enter a county - in this case a family - and can keep breeding with 12 sons and who knows how many daughters and become so numerous that they can take over the running of the land.  War however is costly and a risk - many will die and you may not win.  The Jews did take part politically in the countries they lived in - Esther married the King of Persia - The problem is that by assimilating into a different culture there is a risk of losing your roots and becoming as faithless as the country you live in.  I think that North America started out with great hopes but we have lost our Christian heritage and this is not what the early settlers intended.

(A) Could this land be a Christian land again - of course - nothing is impossible for God but it will take passion and holiness on the part of present Christians --- we will have to be like the early Church who gave up all for their faith.

(P) Lord give us passion like the early disciples.

Title : Kill the Jewish baby boys.

(S) Ex. 1:16"When you observe the Hebrew women in childbirth and observe them  on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him;"

(O) Killing off the Jews has been tried so many times but they are still here.  God had a plan to bring Christ through the Jewish people and then to bring them to true faith in Jesus.

(A) No matter how you try to foil God's plan - it cannot be done.

(P) When the plan seems strange and there are desert times and times of wandering around being lost, and times in Egypt, help me to realize that you have a grand plan that you are working out.

Title: Moses a Jew is brought up by Pharaoh's daughter - a privileged upbringing but murders an Egyptian and must flee to Midian where he lives and marries.

(S) Ex 2:22 "I have become an alien in a foreign land."

(O) Why do we not get to stay in the land we are born in our whole lives.  My children may not all live near me - this makes me sad.  I really love them and the thought of them living in a foreign land upsets me however if  God intends to do things through their lives living elsewhere than I should not stand in their way.  

(P) When God is in on the plan it will be good - just have to wait and see.

Title: Early to bed and early to rise - makes you health, wealthy and wise.

(S) Psalm 88: 13 "But I cry to you for help O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you in the morning."

(O) It always says that we are to speak to God in the morning - not in the evening like I am doing now. Must start doing this.

(A)I am aiming for morning prayer and reading but am not there yet.

(P)God help me to get up and do my devotions in the morning.

Title:  God will help us speak in his behalf.

(S)Luke 21:15 "For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."

(O) We feel so inadequate to open the scriptures to people but it really is our lack of faith as God promises that he will give us words.  Failing to speak really is pride in ourselves thinking that we are suppose to be talented speakers when really it is our folly that God turns into wisdom through his strength.

(A) Lord help me to trust that you are the one who is speaking and to just open my mouth and trust you.

(P) Lord give me courage.

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