Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010 Gen 3-5, Luke 2

Genesis 3 is about the Fall of man. Verses that made me think today from the readings. Method - Title, Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer

Title: Does God mean what he says
(S) Gen. 3:1b "He (the serpent) said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
(O) The evil side always puts a little bit of doubt in our minds as to whether God would approve of some action we really would like to do. Did God really say this or that the serpent tempts Eve with. We do it to - does God really disaprove of our self indulgent ways, does God really mean that this or that sin is not okay - what about a little lie or a little indiscretion, what about infidelity or homosexuality - they are all socially acceptable now - does God still think they are wrong - "Did God really say" to avoid this or that sin?
(A) The only way I will know if I am on the right track with my life is to keep reading this book - it is straight forward and yes God really says this is wrong and this is right.
(P) Lord help me to get to this Bible reading ever single day. It was hard today as the babies were up so early and I did not beat them to the book. Help me to read my Bible early in the morning before the world (and the children) are up.

Title: We want knowledge more than anything and are willing to trade our walk with God for it.
(S) Gen3:5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
(O) There is a great hunger in our innermost being to have knowledge. All kinds of knowledge. It is not wrong to learn about the world and all there is to know however there is a tender balance - once our eyes have viewed something it is hard to remove the scenes from our mind. All knowledge is not good to know. If knowledge creates pride and an attitude that we are pompous and greater than we really are then it separates us from God - knowledge should create a humility at the wonders of God's creation. Knowledge of evil is also something that damages us. Pornography, sinful activity and knowledge of drugs and many other things that are from the evil side are available for us to take if we want but the knowledge of them separates us from God. Right now the lines are blurred and it is hard to know what is right or wrong - T.V. depicts images which would have been banned a few years ago in magazines, there are more addictions to prescription drugs than to illicit drugs - not saying some meds are not necessary - but just saying the lines are blurred and we have to keep in the book to know when we are off track.
(A) Stay in the Bible and aware that sin is subtle and Satan is always saying "Did God really say" about just about everything.
(P) Help me to discern pride in knowledge, and subtle sin that the world says is okay but God does not.

Title: So what does it mean that my husband will rule over me - does the Bible really say that?
(S) Gen. 3:16b "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
(O) This is a very difficult verse for me. What does "rule over" mean in a marriage - what about the New Testament where we are to submit to each other - with the man also submitting to his wife - Now the only way I can understand this is to take it with the two sections - if my desire is for my husband - meaning that I really have this great desire to please him and be "for" him than my approach to him will be respectful and happy. This does not always work in all marriages - I have a good and kind man but this "rule over" would be difficult with someone different than my husband. I know that in marriage the two people become one body - and that we are to have control over our bodies - meaning we are not to do evil to our bodies - so I take this to mean that he is responsible for me - for my well being and nurturing. Another thought is that this "rule over" statement is about what is fact as we live in a "fallen" and imperfect world. Adam and Eve were both created with the same ability to enjoy Eden and equal access to God however in a "fallen" world nothing is perfect anymore and the truth of the matter is that women have been trying to get back to that equality for all time - and yet still - in most circumstances - men still rule over them. This is just what is - perhaps not what it was to be or should be.
(A) This is a very big topic - but I do not see it as - woman as doormat - theory. I will continue to have as a goal to have my desire - my inner desire - to make my husband the best he can be - in turn I will be nurtured and rest in his emotional strength and goodness. Hmmm - not sure if that covers "rule over".
(P) Help me to be a good wife to my husband.

Title: Not just Eve's fault.
(S) Gen.3:17a "To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, You must not eat of it,"Cursed is the ground because of you;"
(O) In this instance Adam did what Eve said - so he did not follow his own judgement but went against God to do what his wife suggested. Here is an instance where the "rule over" or the "overule" idea would have been a good one but he did not do it. I would have liked to blame this one on the man but traditionally the woman has been blamed for leading the man astray - God however seems to blame the man by "because you listened to your wife" you will be punished. He messed up the "rule over" rule and God gives him not only the blame but the punishment of being thrown out of paradise.
(A) Although I really take issue with this "rule over" rule - when both ideas seem okay and my husband says this is what I really want - I will try hard to go with him because it just might be better in the end - hmmm.... that is hard to say.
(P) Lord help me to be a good wife - this is a challenge.

Title: Why does God like Able and hate Cain - how fair is that?
(S) Gen. 4:3-5 "Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. But Able brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Able and his offering but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor."
(O) I have always had a problem with how God chose to be happy with Abel's offering but not with Cain's offering. At first glance it seems arbitrary. I know that it is a "Type" or an image of the blood sacrifice of the the acceptable gift of the "Lamb of God" - Jesus. Besides the image of type there is something more - with Cain's gift it mentions that it is the best there is - the fat portions and the firstborn of his flock - with Abel's gift however it is not his very best but rather just some "fruits of the soil". He did not give his very best to God - that was why it was unacceptable. It is our garage sale and bingo church offering - not the best we can give - and God does not want it - he wants us to sacrifice and to give the best we have. Cain knew that what he gave was the dregs of what he had because God said to him "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted". Gen. 4:7
(A) What am I giving to God? I do give my time and strength to others but do I give my best financially - no - and I should. The sin of Cain was selfishness and greed - and God said to him "Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Gen.4:7 Is this not the sin of the western world - we love our things and we don't want to give them up - am I willing to give them up or have I taught my children that having things is better than giving them up to God - think I have failed in this area and am continuing to fail.
(P) God help me to give more - in as many ways as possible... but mostly help me to realize when I love things more than you and am unwilling to relinquish them.

Title: God has both male and female attributes. The word "man" in the Bible is always generic meaning both men and women.
(S) Gen 5:1-2 When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female; at the time they were created, he blessed them and called them "man".
(O) We seem to think of God as male. It does not seem here that he is male but rather with both attributes because he makes man in His image but he calls both male and female "man". Again this plural, non sexed image. The "us" God of the previous chapters.
(A) I need to rethink my image of God - for some reason he is often the God of pictures - very male - these verses do not seem to indicate this.
(P) God help me not to be stuck in my preconceived ideas of who you are or what you are like but to learn from my reading of the Bible that you are more than the images I put on you.

Luke 2 The Birth of Jesus

Title : The family of Jesus kept Jewish traditions and religious practices
(S) Luke 2:21a"On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, ..... "
(O) Often forget that Jesus was a practicing Jew - how Christianity has roots in the Jewish faith and these practices would hinder the faith of the early church.
(A) I wonder what traditions we hold to that are really not something Biblical at all . . . . . I can often hear a radio minister speak and know from his tone that this is a preacher - should be aware of what we do that has nothing to do with Christianity.
(P) Lord help me to be more accepting of how others who love you worship.

Title: The Holy Spirit was upon some people prior to Pentacost
(S) Luke 2:25 -26"Now there was a lman in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ".
(O) I think of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter that came at the time of Pentacost because Christ was taken away and this was a spiritual being that would be with us since Jesus was gone. But here Jesus is with the people and yet this man has the Holy Spirit with him.
(A) Not sure how to explain this Holy Spirit presence when I always think it is Father, Son and the Holy Ghost who are parts of the face of God. Perhaps I will come to an answer at another time. There are many places in the Bible where the Spirit of God is with men so this is just another case .... not sure what I think here.
(P) May I be aware and seeking the guidance of this Holy Spirit.

Verse of interest Luke 2: 46 Jesus at 12 years old is lost for 3 days - this is strange.

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