Monday, February 1, 2010

January 24, 2010, Exodus 9-11, Luke 24

 Title:  The pharaoh almost believes because he is afraid of what God is doing to his land .... but when things improve his shallow believe fades.

S: Ex 9:27  Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron, "This time I have sinned," he said to them, "The Lord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong.  Pray to the Lord, for we have had enough......"

O: Pharaoh - like most of us -- only repents and pleads and wants to pray when he can take no more --- but as soon as things improve --- he is back to his old ways and forgets God ----- 

A: When you look at pharaoh - it looks obvious that he only calls on God when things get bad -  but I am sure I am not that bad --- but perhatps I really do not look at myself with honesty - when do I call on God with great desperation - only when we are in a desperate situation --- otherwise the prayers are more methodical - not those passionate prayers that I read in the psalms.....

P: Prayer - I know I have very little idea of what the true depth of this should be but I do want to know.

Note: How odd it seems to me that it is God who makes the Pharaoh hold back the Israelites from leaving Egypt and God's reasoning -  that they will have something to tell their grandchildren so they will understand what God.

Luke 24

Title:  The women are first to understand who Jesus is and what he meant when he said he would rise again.

S:Luke 24 :1,6,7,8 "...the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.......He is not here he has risen! Remember how he told you.....The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again." Then they remembered his words.

O: I wonder if women are more spiritual then men..... the great evangelists of the world are always men.... but a woman was the first missionary.... women found out about Christ being risen from the dead first.... why not men....  The women understand - He has risen - and yet Peter when he sees the empty tomb - "wonders to himself what had happened."

A: Women are treated very differently by Christ - there is an equality that is common in this day and age and yet very uncommon during this period of time in the middle eastern culture.  I  love this about Christianity - I think we underestimate what God can do through us..... there are a few verses in the Bible that seem arbitrary on this topic -  but the evidence of how Jesus treated women is a pretty clear demonstration of his high regard for their capability and status.

P: Help me remember what you think of me.

Title:  Jesus on the road to Emmaus.

S: Luke 24:31  "Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight."

O:  Here are these two men talking about Jesus and how they had hoped that he would be the Christ and how they had heard that the women had said that he had risen and yet they do not recognize Jesus until Jesus wants to reveal himself to them.  This is how it is with everyone I think --- the revelation is when we do what these two people did - they walk with him, talk with him - walking for miles - then they say - stay with us tonight - eat with us tonight - and it is as they eat with Him that they recognize Him...... what if that is what we did - walk with Him, talk, eat, sleep --- what revelations would there be????

A: What a good example of how to relate to those that are not there yet but seeking God...... lives that involve others and Christ.

P: A hospitable nature and Christ in every aspect of the day.

Title:  The resurrected Christ eats bread and fish..... and they believe.

S: L:uke 24:41 And they still did not believe it.......he asked them, "Do you have anything to eat?"  and he took it and ate it in their presence."

O: What is it about eating together that breaks down barriers..... the men on the Emmaus road did not recognize Christ until he sat down to eat with them and broke the bread..... the disciples saw the scars on his body but it was real to them when he began to eat.... there is something about eating together that sets us at ease and helps us get over barriers..... if this is how Jesus did it then this is how we should do it too......

P: Hospitality...... that leads to you. Please.

Title:  Only 2 things to preach - repentance and forgiveness.

S: Luke 24:47 ... and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

O: We seem to make salvation too complicated --- there it is very simply - repentance and forgiveness of sins through straight forward and clear.

A: I worry too much about methodology - the above is very understandable and it is what human nature needs to get on with life - why do we make salvation more complicated than it needs to be???

P: Help me to be ready and willing to share this simple message.

Title:  Stay until the power comes.

S: Luke 24:40  ....."but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high"

O: How crucial to doing God's work ...... stay until the power comes..... what great advice from Jesus .... don' run off doing things until the power comes.

P: oh for that power Lord.

Title:  More time in church.

S:Luke 24:53 And they stayed continually at the temple praising God.

O: Well have a lot to learn and thank you God this book is teaching me.... that Sunday morning service is not what what you meant when you say continually.  The early church changed the world..... and they were at the temple continually.

A: Time to change my ways ---- a little more continually and a little less of everything else......

P: Lord help me to change this aspect of my life.

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