Saturday, February 6, 2010

January 27, 2010, Exodus 17-20, Acts 3

Title: Listening to people who are not always chosen by God to speak.

S: Ex: 18:17 Moses’ father in law replied “What you are doing is not good.”

O: Moses has been listening to God for all his instructions and has obeyed and this obedience has caused plagues, helped him lead the Israelites out of Egypt and helped him create a path through the Red Sea….. now he is listening to someone else.  It seems obvious that Moses is working too hard but should Jethro who has only recently decided to worship God be the one to advise him? The advice seems pretty reasonable – teach others the laws and decrees and select capable men and they will help you manage these people however why is it Jethro that is giving the advice?  He comes to Moses for a short while and then leaves and from henceforth there will be Judges over the Israelites.

 A: Be careful who you take advice from ….. not all people are aware of what God has planned.

P: Discernment.

Title:  The Jews are chosen by God….. Symbolically in a Christian context … those who become Christians now come under this description.

S: Ex 19:5-6  The Jews are the one nation that God calls His “treasured possession”…….you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

O: There is always this “type” as it is called in literature, where God leads these people through great trials so that they will choose to come to Him.  Must we always go through trials before deciding to become a Christian…. Are any saved easily?  Do I appreciate what God has done for me?

A:  I sometimes think that I am not such a bad person…. But how does God see me…. He views me as his treasured possession… a priest and part of a holy people….. how am I living to live up to God’s assessment of me?  Today’s sermon in church was one that said that if you study the Bible and come to church but do not witness to others then your faith is pretty useless.  By the time I walked out I did not feel very good.  Had two of my grandchildren with me as we had another grandchild today so felt excited about that but the sermon was a downer. We all do different things and looking after these kids and being a good wife, mother and grandmother really takes so much of my energy… like all of it… pretty exhausted from this work however is it the work that I am to be doing as a chosen priest and holy person of God? Yes, who else would get up with a 2 year old in the middle of the night and truly love this little one as much as I do.... not one other person I know.... Sorry pastor .... this is God's work too and this little one will be a vibrant Christian one day because I cared.  We are not all Peter and preaching on a corner ... but obedience is the what God calls us to and obedience it must be.

P:  Direction Lord, direction.

Title: Making idle promises to God.

S: Ex 19:8 “The people all responded together, “We will do everything the Lord has said.” So Moses brought their answer back to the Lord.”

O: The pharaoh promised to repent and follow God but he didn’t, the Israelites promise to obey God but they forget to do so….. how often have I promised God I would serve him and yet I have not…. What did that verse say – better to say I am not going to do it then do it then to say I will and not do it….

A: Oh this Bible reading is so convicting….. you can be happy about your life and then read the Bible and feel that you really are not obeying God at all…. I thought that serving was just blossoming where God planted me as this mother and grandmother… but I go back and forth.... is it really enough or does God want more?  I know that He really does not need me for anything as He can call ten thousand Angels however .... use me Lord ... is all I mean.

P: Wisdom, discernment, clear answers, God you know our path… could you be more clear.

Title:  Mount Sinai

S: Ex 19:18 “Mount Sinai was covered in smoke because the Lord descended on it in fire.  The smoke billowed up it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently, and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. Then Moses spoke and the voice of God answered him.”

O: Was once near an erupting volcanic mountain in Guatemala….. I wonder if this was like a volcano – but if it was the people would have to get out of there as there would be too much heat …. And it seems they could remain…. Just a God phenomenon I guess….but there were limits on how close they could come…. It is a mystery.


Exodus 20: The ten commandments

S: Ex 20:5 ….. punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation  of those who hate me but showing love to thousands who love me and keep my commandments.”

O: Still hear this verse quoted and yet… does not salvation remove the guilt in one generation…. And so this verse should not be quoted as it is no longer true.

A: Salvation redeems in one generation and the next generation of the God changed parents are no longer under this curse as far as I think.

P: I observe others and sometimes I am judgmental when I see the terrible things that fall on their lives but perhaps it is not some passed down curse but just living in this fallen world…. And it could fall on the just and the unjust.  Should watch my judgmental ways.

P: Guard my swiftness to judge others oh Lord.

Title:  How are we suppose to treat the 10 commandments now that we are under grace and not under the law?

S: Ex 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy”

O: I know that we cannot keep the law and that we are not suppose to as that is why Jesus paid the price for our salvation…. However there are so many rules besides the 10 commandments that I personally feel that I really should follow…. Am I wrong…. Yes I am wrong. I like to go to church however sometimes it feels like a tight club where you really are an outsider.  To become an insider you have to attend a lot more things than I do.  Really it is not an insider that I have any concern about what I want is to serve God and to do that it is important to become involved in the church as that is the way God structures service… within a group of believers.

A: Would like to aim for twice on Sunday but always someone needs me… here it is Sunday night and I am babysitting as son and daughter in law at hospital and right now little 2 year old has been coughing and I am up with her late…. Don’t think anyone else could do this task…. No it is not witnessing but it is still service and no way to go to evening service.  Perhaps another day.  Will aim for it.

P: Somehow I am sure this is where God wants me to be but only God and I know that. 

Title:  To covet is the sin of this day and age.

S: Ex 20:17 “You shall not covet your neighbors house.”

O: This is an age of Home and Garden television.  I am not that house proud and I feel guilty for not being house proud.  What is the balance between coveting our neighbors house and watching others and how it is done and making your own space pleasant… I have no idea.  I think it is when it becomes your passion and what you think about other than God.  Isn’t the measurement of the other God as whatever separates us from God – so it can be house or anything else that we pursue with all we have and think about more than anything else.

A:  What am I thinking about?  It should be about your business.  If it is not … then that is the issue.

P: Right thinking.


Acts 3

Title:  At the time of prayer.

S: Acts 3:1 “One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer --- at three in the afternoon.”

O: The Jews had set times for prayer, the Muslims have set times for prayer.  We are to pray without ceasing… like as often as we remember… the problem is that we are so busy with living our lives that we do not remember to pray without ceasing and those with set times of prayer probably pray more than I do. So should we have set times of prayer or does that become salvation by works?  Anway just thinking that although would not like to see any rule made on it …. Personal commitment to set times of prayer during the day may be a good idea.

A: Set some personal times that I know that this is prayer time.

P: Help me to increase my prayer time Lord.

Title:  Times of refreshing

S:  Acts: 3:19 “Repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you…even Jesus.”

O: Times of refreshing – is this time with God in my Bible times of refreshing or what is this times of refreshing? Whatever it is… would like some.

A: Looking forward to more…. Times of refreshing.

P: Mercy drops round us are falling but for the showers I plead.


Just saw something written in pencil in my Bible that my son that I am babysitting for tonight would find a Christian wife when traveling…. Well he came home and found a wonderful Christian wife… love leaving those notes in my Bible… they always bless me when I come across them and know that God answered that prayer.



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